Friday, 17 June 2016

Feature & Follow #10

Feature & Follow is back with a new look! This time, rather than a question, we've got a more open ended prompt. More of a struggle if you're not feeling creative, but luckily you get a pretty good prompt to get you thinking!

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. I've just started getting involved in these features and they're great fun! It's a really cool way to find out what people are reading and connect with other bloggers. Added bonus, the aim of a blog hop is to follow others. You follow me, I follow you. Wins all round! I'm happy for followers on GFC, Twitter, Bloglovin', Goodreads, whatever works for you. I guess I'd prefer Bloglovin' follows if I had to pick one. Make sure you leave me a comment so I know you're a new followers, I'm kind of scatty with keeping track of new followers on Bloglovin' and the like!

The post prompt:
Five websites you hang around that aren't shopping sites.

Technically not a shopping site, although it does end up costing me a fair amount of money! My "want to read" list is a mountain I'm never going to climb!

I spend entriely too long on Cracked! Their articles are a bit hit and miss at times, but when they hit, they're pure gold! Soren Bowie, Seanbaby and David Wong are undoubtedly the best writers of the bunch, and while their comedy stuff is brilliant, the quieter, more serious articles are utter genius. This site introduced me to the wonderful writing of David Wong, and for that I'll always be greatful!

Lonely Planet
If I'm not travelling, I'm armchair travelling. I'm always organising, planning or dreaming of my next escape, and Lonely Planet has plenty of inspiration to get me started.

Aside from the adorable panda logo, BoredPanda has all the wins from me. Whether it's list of the most impressively sarcastic Facebook posts or photos from a random office somewhere in Europe where a newbie has the misfortune of falling asleep and finding that their co-workers Photoshopped them into all sort of famous photos, it's usually irreverent, but always very funny.

DeviantArt isn't a website. It's a black hole of time and energy. You head over to it to have a browse, and before you know it it's three hours later. It really is incredible how many utterly fantastic artists are out there and some of the work on display is mindblowingly good! 


  1. OOh nice! Some new to me ones here that I will have to check out!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Old GFC follower. I think the only one I've been on is Goodreads. The others look interesting, too. I have been spending a lot of time on Instagram, too, looking at all the gorgeous book pictures!

    My #FF

    1. I have Instagram, but some of the epic bookstagram photos and shelfies just make me feel hopelesly inadequate!

  3. Love Cracked :)

    1. It's addictive! I check out one article and then do that wikipedia thing when you just click on one link after another!

  4. Ohh great answer I only lurk around on all my social media sites and other book blogs. I am really addicted too Instagram at the moment because I absolutely love bookstagram. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Old Follower.

    1. I love bookstagram too, although I'm always incredibly jealous of other people's picture-taking abilities. Mine look a bit crap by comparison!

  5. I haven't been on Cracked's website. However, they do have a podcast that I listen to every so often. Fun list!

    1. Thanks Alison! I love Cracked, their website's definitely worth checking out.

  6. Oh great list of websites!
    New Bloglovin' follower and old GFC follwer.
    Check out my FF

    1. Thanks! I'll definitely be checking out Archer's Voice from your FF!

  7. I love Cracked! Like you say, the quality can vary widely, but MAN the good ones are funny, shocking, or terrifying! LOL

    Bloodthirsty Muses

    1. That's a pretty good summary of Cracked! They've got a couple of books out to which are definitely worth the read.
