Friday, 24 June 2016

Feature & Follow #11

Feature & Follow is back with a new look! This time, rather than a question, we've got a more open ended prompt. More of a struggle if you're not feeling creative, but luckily you get a pretty good prompt to get you thinking!

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. It's a really cool way to find out what people are reading and connect with other bloggers. Added bonus, the aim of a blog hop is to follow others. You follow me, I follow you. Wins all round! I'm happy for followers on GFC, Twitter, Bloglovin', Goodreads, whatever works for you. I guess I'd prefer Bloglovin' follows if I had to pick one. Make sure you leave me a comment so I know you're a new followers, I'm kind of scatty with keeping track of new followers on Bloglovin' and the like!

A big thank you to the hosts this week for picking me as the featured blog!

The post prompt:
Name one or more standalone books that you wish were a series.

It's a tricky one this week, as my go-to genre is YA fantasy, and it's rare to find one that isn't a series, or at least a trilogy, or the increasingly popular duology!

Lorali - Laura Dockrill
Despite this book wrapping up nicely, I'd still love to read more about mermaids.

The Girl With All The Gifts - M.R. Carey
I don't think I'd want to read a sequel to this, but I'd definitely pick up a prequel! Post-apocalytic/dystopian books always pick up after the drama that caused the end of the world, but I always think it's a missed opportunity!

The Girl Who Would Be King - Kelly Thompson
One of my favourite books! I thought this was setting up for a series - the ending certainly leaves the door open for a sequel - but there's no sign of one.


  1. These are all-new-to-me reads! New Follower!

    1. Thanks Charlie! It was really hard to come up with any at all, there are so few books these days that are stand alone!

  2. I haven't heard of this one but I love a good dystopian :) old GFC follower .

    Megan @ Doodles 'n Scribbles

    1. The Girl With All The Gifts is definitely worth a read then. It's an odd set up, told from the point of view of one of the infected after a sort of zombie outbreak which is a bit of a twist on the cliche. I think it's being made into a movie soon too.

  3. Just sitting here after reading the prompt, I can't think of any standalones... like you said, a lot of fantasy is already a series/duology! It's great that you found a couple though - they're all new to me so I need to check them out now :)
    Old follower <3
    Enchanted by YA

    1. It took me a fair bit of trawling my Goodreads shelves for something that wasn't part of a series! I must be a contractual obligation if you write YA fantasy to write at least two, if not more.
